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How Much Do You Know about Green Tea The Benefits Of Health?

    Green Tea the Benefits of Health Over the past 15–20 years, a number of other research studies have been conducted to determine what health benefits can be attributed to consumption of green tea and its extracts. This research has shown that green tea has a variety of potential health benefits. These benefits include anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, and benefits in cardiovascular disease and oral health. While much of this research has been performed in vitro, and a significant amount of the research done in vivo, using animal models, this will focus mainly on studies conducted with human subjects plus pertinent information from the other types of studies.   Anticarcinogenic Properties of Green Tea Cancer is currently a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Billions of dollars in research monies have been poured into cancer research over the past 50 plus years, and yet we do not se...

About us

About Us
  The 'thereafter' for me was to start the health women healthy living goals site. By doing the web site I could still pursue my goal, albeit via a different route. Working on the health women healthy living goals site afforded me more flexibility and I could work on the site in my own time; something I couldn't do if I were working directly with clients, since we didn't want our daughter to return to her residential school but to spend quality time with her family while she fully recuperated.
My experience taught me a great deal and perhaps the most important lesson I've learned is that when you choose a path to follow, that is subsequently challenged, interrupted or blocked by crisis or some other life event, perhaps it's divine intervention's way of telling you that while there might not be anything wrong with the destination, you might need to restructure elements of your route, timescale or journey.

Anyway, that's enough of me for now. Please enjoy browsing the health women healthy living goals site and if you like what you read, why not drop me a line and let me know what in particular you appreciate about the website. You are assured absolute Privacy and Confidentiality and that your information will not be sold, rented or divulged to any third parties whatsoever. Likewise, if there is something you would like to see featured on the health women healthy living goals site, do let me know.
The health women healthy living goals site is a 'work in progress' project so new information is being added all the time. Please feel free to contribute your ideas for improving or expanding on the website's content.

The information on this site is purely of educational value and is not intended to replace your seeking medical advice. You must consult your doctor over all your health concerns.


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