Green Tea the Benefits of Health Over the past 15–20 years, a number of other research studies have been conducted to determine what health benefits can be attributed to consumption of green tea and its extracts. This research has shown that green tea has a variety of potential health benefits. These benefits include anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, and benefits in cardiovascular disease and oral health. While much of this research has been performed in vitro, and a significant amount of the research done in vivo, using animal models, this will focus mainly on studies conducted with human subjects plus pertinent information from the other types of studies. Anticarcinogenic Properties of Green Tea Cancer is currently a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Billions of dollars in research monies have been poured into cancer research over the past 50 plus years, and yet we do not se...
Proven Weight Loss Tips
has seen an enormous increase in the number of people considered obese by the
medical community. In fact many call it an obesity epidemic. To combat this we
find all sorts of pharmaceutical companies selling the "quick fix"
pills, powders, and lotions that do nothing to actually help people take the
fat off and keep it off.
course the same could be said of the diet industry as well. There are so many
different diets going around now you could pick one a month and in a years time
still have more to choose from.
is truly needed are some sensible proven weight loss tips that people can
implement no matter what their present physical condition is. That said let's
dive right in.
more water. All too often Australians are borderline dehydrated and so their
bodies are working on the water starvation reflex and not flushing the toxins
and junk out.
more often. I bet you thought I was going to say eat less. While it is true
that to lose weight you need to eat less calories than you need to
eat more often to get the metabolic furnace stoked up and burning right. Get it
out of starvation mode. So start the day off with breakfast. Even an instant
breakfast drink and a piece of fruit as we head out the door in the morning.
Move more. Depending on your physical
condition you need to be moving more. Use the stairs rather than the elevator,
park farther out from the office or the store, go for a walk around the block,
go dancing, play with your kids. Make it fun.
is not the only way to burn more calories.
determine your "Why". Decide why you want to discard fat. Make your
reason big enough to motivate you through the slumps that invariably happen.
Your Plateau with these 5 Easy Tips
you need to lose a few extra pounds but feel you've hit a plateau, there are
several ways to get your body back in the weight loss mode. A plateau is when
you're no longer losing weight though it seems nothing has changed in your diet
or exercise routine. Your body has adapted to the diet and now refuses to
budge. So you must make some changes to boost your weight loss again.
your calorie intake.
way to overcome a plateau while maintaining a healthy weight loss plan is to
change your calorie intake. Monitor how many calories you're eating and
decrease them slightly to see if your weight scale moves again. You might try
the zigzag method as well.
do this, decrease calories one day, and then increase calories the next. This
helps shift your body out of its comfort zone. Only make minor adjustments and
monitor your weight with each small change.
a snack or two.
you usually eat a chocolate bar as a mid-afternoon snack, try replacing this
with a fruit or vegetable. Eat apples, bananas, carrots and low-fat dip, or
celery and low- fat dip instead of chocolate. Fruits and vegetables are not
only filling, but they also promote healthy weight loss.
Keep exercising, but endure longer.
way to boost weight loss and get your body moving again is to increase your
exercise time. Instead of 30 minutes a day, try exercising 45 minutes a day.
Walk every chance you get. Walking is a great (non-strenuous) exercise that
helps your heart and promotes healthy weight loss.
your car a little farther from the mall than usual when shopping. Walk your dog
twice a day instead of only once.Take a walk during your breaks at work. These
small changes can make a big
difference in your weight loss efforts.
"what" you are eating.
you eating mainly sugar and carbohydrates on your weight loss diet? If so, try
replacing one or two of these with a protein-rich food. Protein is a proven fat
burner and energy booster, and many weight trainers use it to boost their
also helps you fill full longer so you're less likely to be hungry an hour
later. There are protein snack bars on the market now so you can easily get a
boost during the day. Other changes you can make include increasing your water
and fiber intake if you feel you're not getting enough of these.
Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
of eating three large meals a day, try eating smaller, more frequent meals.
Reduce portion sizes at your regular meals, and add small snacks in between
each meal. This helps boost your metabolism and keeps you from being hungry
during the day and splurging at night.
in mind that fast weight loss can be unhealthy,
but you might lose fast at the start of any diet or when overcoming a plateau.
This is normal. These tips are to help you break the plateau so you can start
losing weight again. Weight loss diets can help you feel and look better than
you ever have before. Use these ideas to break through your plateau today so
you can reach your future weight loss goals.
are many weight loss plans, but each is different. It's a good idea to study
the different types of plans before getting started on your weight loss
journey. Find the type of weight loss diet that best suits you. Consider how
each affects your body and health, and how each plan fits into your schedule or
routine. Let's see what types of diet plans are available and what is required
with each.
Diets for Fast Weight Loss
fast weight loss is not recommended for the long term, there are some quick
diets to help you lose 2-6kgs in no time. These include the low-carb diet,
three-to-five-day meal replacement shakes, water or juice fasts, and alternate
vegetable/fruit diets in which you eat only fruits one day and only vegetables
the next. These diets work great for a quick fix, but are very difficult (and
possibly unhealthy) to maintain for the long term.
Low Calorie Weight Loss Diets
are many low calorie diets with which you will reduce your daily calories to
lose weight. There are several ways to monitor your calories. You can read food
labels and count the calories of everything you eat. You can also use a calorie
guide to determine how many calories are in certain foods or dishes that do not
have labels. Weight Watchers provides an easy point counter that calculates
points based on calories, fiber, and fat grams in foods.
Fixed Menu Plans
a fixed menu diet plan, you will be given a list of all the foods you can eat. The meal plans are put together
especially for you based on your likes and needs. This type of diet can make
things easy for you as you lose weight, but keep in mind that you will
eventually need to start planning your own meals again. So it's a good idea to
learn how to plan your meals after you've lost the initial weight. This will
help you keep the weight off once the fixed-menu diet has ended.
Exchange Food Diet
an exchange food diet, you will plan meals with a set number of servings from
several food groups. The foods are determined by calorie intake, and you can
pick and choose among foods that have the same calories to give you a variety
of choices at each meal. This diet is great if you've just completed a fixed
menu diet because it allows you to make your own food choices each day.
Low Fat Diet
type of diet is the low fat diet, which requires lowering the intake of fat.
This doesn't mean eating fat-free everything, but simply lowering fats
(especially saturated fats) and oils to a normal level according to the food
pyramid. Fat should take up around 30 percent of the calories eaten. Lowering saturated fat promotes
weight loss and helps lower cholesterol levels to promote good heart health.
There are many foods that advertise "low fat" but many of these are
also very high in sugar. Look for foods that are low in fat and low in sugar
for healthy weight loss. Also, limit fast foods or make healthier choices from
the menu such as salads or grilled foods. Many fried fast foods are loaded with
Weight Loss through Reduced
are also weight loss diets with which only the portions are reduced, but you
basically eat anything you want. You eat only small portions of foods and basically
follow your stomach. When your stomach is empty, you eat slowly until you feel
satisfied, but not overly full.
only eat when you're really hungry. This type of diet gives you freedom to
choose what you want to eat, but limits how much you can eat. The concept is
when you eat less food in smaller portions then you're also eating less fat and
calories with every meal, no matter what the food.
There are also pre-packaged meals and formulas
to help promote weight loss. Almost any diet can work if you adhere to its
rules, add activity or exercises, and drink plenty of water. Study each type of
diet to find one that will work for you, and check with you doctor before
starting a new diet plan if you have a health condition or take medications.
You can easily research diet plans online and find many free weight loss tips
to help you develop a plan.
Boost Metabolism And
Lose Weight By Eating Well
all known for some time that breakfast is an integral part of the day. Now
research has shown that, regardless of physical activity, eating high fibre
cereal in the morning at least three times a week leads to having a lower body
mass index.
study followed 2,300 teenage girls over ten years, and was conducted by the
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in the US. One reason people skip
breakfast is because they are trying to reduce their overall calorie intake.
its important not to eat too many excess calories, having breakfast, even if
its a simple smoothie, or a couple of pieces of fruit, will reduce the urge to
snack on chocolate or other unhealthy options, as well as improving your
performance at work and reducing fatigue. Sometimes its not just the overall
calorie intake.
the types of foods we eat as well. Grab a couple of carrots instead of some
toast - not only will you be getting fiber, but the phytochemicals such as
carotene and other vitamins will help you get the most out of your body and
your day. And if you're a bit disorganized with buying fruit and vegetables,
visit the local fruit street vendor on the way to your local coffee shop before
work. It beats a muffin nutritionally.
for the final word on going overboard with calorie restriction, recent research
found that even though mice will live up to 50% longer by eating less, humans
don't. The most having a low calorie diet over your life would do is extend
your time span on this earth by 7% Physiologically, having breakfast will in
fact boost your metabolism. And its certainly a cheaper way to do that than
investing in a bottle of diet pills.
couple of weight loss tips for parents and expecting mothers.
research has suggested that those mothers who eat excessively (think Britney
Spears) have children who are more prone to being overweight by the time they
are toddlers. This sets up food difficulties from a young age.
beware of teenagers or children who develop poor eating habits, combined with
sedentary activities like playing playstation or xbox games too much, and
watching television at the expense of even non-athletic activities like having
a job or joining school clubs. These kids will have a greater tendency of
growing into overweight or obese adults.
key to integrating changes in your diet, whether with the goal of losing
weight, or simply being more healthy, is to add variety. Its easy to get into a
food rut, stuck for something tasty to eat that is also going to support our goals.
ahead, and doing a little research, can be one way of mitigating those moments
when the urge to grab something unhealthy is driven by both hunger and
unappetizing dishes.
fruit and vegetables raw gives you many of their vitamins undiminished by
cooking processes. It also means you get enzymes which are great for helping
the digestive process. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C and is also one of the
few sources of lycopene, others being tomatoes, red grapefruit and guava.
Lycopene is a particularly effective antioxidant.
Weight Tricks
of people are looking for lose weight tricks which can help them with their
ongoing struggle. All over the world people are looking for some answers which
can make the difference between a frustrating struggle to lose weight, and
smooth steady progress. Here are some lose weight tricks designed to help you
find the right path.
Lose Weight Tricks 1
If you are determined to lose weight, you have
got to stick at it. Nothing great was ever achieved without some effort, and
possibly the odd sacrifice. Don't worry if you think it is all taking too long.
Time seems to go very quickly in our busy world, so before you know it you will
be where you want to be. The time will pass anyway, so make use of it to create
a better and healthier you.
Lose Weight Tricks 2
yourself when you achieve major targets. It is a time tested psychological
trick to give yourself small treats as a reward when you achieve something
significant. Losing your first five Kgs is a vital landmark, for example, so go
and visit your favorite restaurant to celebrate. Of course you need to exercise
some restraint when you get there, but you are more likely to do this when you
are full of satisfaction having reached a significant target!
Lose Weight Tricks 3
a lot of salad food. There are virtually no calories in salad, but plenty of
water and nutrients. Salad will allow you to still eat decent sized meals and
not feel hungry, but reduce the number of empty calories you take in. This can
be extremely beneficial, as most people's calorie intake is too high.
Lose Weight Tricks 4
you have sugar in tea or coffee, try to cut down on the number of cups you
drink. Many people find themselves routinely drinking five or six cups of
coffee or tea a day, and if these have sugar in, you are taking in and extra
couple of hundred calories you don't need. You can take these two hundred
calories in a healthier form, or cut them out altogether to help you lose
Weight Loss: Setting
Reasonable Long Term Goals
see a lot of people struggling with weight issues and their body image. With
the available resources and materials for weight loss spilled all over the
place, those, who are overweight, are a bit confused about which method to
follow to shed those extra lbs.
the basics of weight loss do not change, they depend on setting realistic
goals, cutting the calorie intake and exercising a little bit. Many presume
that a weight loss program is all about a restricted diet, or fad diets, or
diet pills and involving strenuous physical exercises. But, actually the basics
of weight loss program are rational, flexible and healthy to which any one can
adhere to while they work well on the person aiming to lose weight.
first basic step towards weight loss is to set a reachable goal. When setting a
goal to reduce weight, it is good to know the reason for doing so, benefits you
may get at the end of the weight reduction program and the changes you are
willing to make in your diet. This kind of analysis of the self helps
understand the problem the better way and helps in setting realistic goals for
weight loss. The weight loss efforts should be a reasonable one and should be
the goal is set to reduce say 1kg a week, then comes the step of creating a
food journal to analyze and monitor what you eat for the particular week. This
food journal helps keep track of what you eat, or drink.
the feeling towards the food you eat is also jotted down. This is very
important as it throws light on the food pattern and habits of the person. The
weight loss is also recorded. By reviewing the food pattern, the foods that
needed to be avoided can be seen clearly and can be substituted with healthy
secret is to be very consistent with this surely you will see positive results.
Water is a very good natural hunger suppressant and can be taken in good
quantities, if you note that you are drinking less amounts of water. It too can
contribute to the weight loss efforts.
the diet is combined with good exercise say walking or swimming or aerobics, it
too aids in burning calories. The exercise should be in such a way that when it
is done, it should be enjoyable, choose the kind of activity which interests
you a lot than slogging. Exercise too needs to be tracked in the journal to see
its effects with your own eyes.
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