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How Much Do You Know about Green Tea The Benefits Of Health?

    Green Tea the Benefits of Health Over the past 15–20 years, a number of other research studies have been conducted to determine what health benefits can be attributed to consumption of green tea and its extracts. This research has shown that green tea has a variety of potential health benefits. These benefits include anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, and benefits in cardiovascular disease and oral health. While much of this research has been performed in vitro, and a significant amount of the research done in vivo, using animal models, this will focus mainly on studies conducted with human subjects plus pertinent information from the other types of studies.   Anticarcinogenic Properties of Green Tea Cancer is currently a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Billions of dollars in research monies have been poured into cancer research over the past 50 plus years, and yet we do not se...

Quick & Easy Diet And Burn Fat Faster

Burn Fat Faster

Quick & Easy Diet And Fat  Burn  
More Often The Wrong Food To Burn Fat
That’s right, most diets don’t consider using the right food! How can it be? Well it’s very simple, they just use ingredients that:
  • Don’t boost metabolism
  •  Don’t have any Metabolic Thermo-Charge
  •  Don’t fight the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon
So, if you want to see success with your fat loss program, you need three things. 
You need a diet that is properly designed with food choices that will continually torch that ugly body fat. You don’t want a diet that starts off strong only to take a severe nosedive after two weeks and have you suffering from a huge diet plateau.
You need a diet that offers enough variety and great tasting Metabolic Thermo-Charged foods that you never get bored, are never tempted to come off the diet altogether, and get the fat loss results you deserve!
You need a diet that is healthy! Most diets are actually incredibly unhealthy as they severely restrict your food intake and choices, setting you up for a number of nutrient deficiencies that will only set you up for long-term health problems. Instead, you want a diet that maximizes health so you can not only look great, but feel great as well.
Optimized health = optimized metabolism = optimized fat loss
Cook with the RIGHT sources of protein
Cook with the RIGHT sources of protein
The very first thing that you absolutely must do if you're going to realize true dietary success is to make sure that you're cooking with nothing but high quality protein sources.
For most people on fat loss diets, they actually believe that their protein intake should come down due to the fact that these foods are often very high in overall calories.
Unfortunately, nothing is further from the truth. The fact of the matter is when on a fat loss diet, your protein needs to actually increase because of the fact that there is a higher chance that your body will start turning to incoming protein as a fuel source.
What's more is that if you aren't taking in sufficient protein that your body needs to cover all its daily maintenance functions then it may start to rob protein from the muscles, bringing those amino acids into the blood.
All in all, falling short in protein is a very bad move.
Protein also has special fat burning Metabolic Thermo-Charge

fat burning Metabolic
In fact, it's the one macronutrient that will serve to increase the metabolic rate so that you burn more calories in the hours after consuming it.
This is because the body will actually expend a large number of calories just breaking that protein down, therefore increasing your total daily calorie burn.
Finally, protein ranks very high on the satiety factor. If you don't want to deal with hunger while on your fat loss diet program, protein is the type of food that you must be eating. There's no way around this one – protein is top notch for hunger control.
So as you can see, protein is a must-have. And the best sources of protein? 
Eggs, chicken and poultry, lean red meat (lean beef or game meat which is a fantastic source of protein), fish are the main ones to turn to.
If you're like most people, you likely avoided pork on your diet entirely and there's really no reason whatsoever to do this. Pork is actually an incredibly lean and an incredibly delicious source of high quality protein, so starting today I want you to add it back into your diet plan.
A quality source of whey protein powder is also a great way to get in more protein throughout the day and you'll notice that some of the recipes I'll provide you utilize this powerful supplement to not only enhance the flavor, but give more well-rounded nutrition. Make the most of it – it's highly convenient, completely safe (unlike what you might have heard), and will be used by your muscles very well. 
Cook with the BEST fat burning oils

Cook with the BEST fat burning oils

The next great trick that you should be using to transform your diet from one that leaves you frustrated to one that gets you great results is to start cooking with the right oils.
Many people avoid oils entirely because they believe they are too high in calories to include as part of their plan but the point to remember here is that while oils are definitely higher in calories than carbohydrate and protein rich foods (at nine calories per gram compared to four respectively) f you make sure to use them properly, they will help to boost your fat loss progress and make your diet taste great.Not only do oils help to add flavor to the foods you're eating but they supply vital nutrients.

The best oils will keep your body 
The best oils will keep your body
Healthy fats are also great for helping to kill your hunger levels as well since they won't influence blood sugar levels or increase the insulin in the body, therefore by adding small amounts to your meals you can prevent hunger from creeping on at a later time.
So which oils should you use?
 My top three favorite ones to add to your recipes include:
  •  Olive oil
  •  Macadamia nut oil
  • Coconut oil
One big reason why these stand out on my list of top oils to utilize is because they have a very high smoking point, therefore you can easily cook any recipe with them without worry.
In addition to that, olive oil is well known to be one of the most heart-friendly' oils around, coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides hich can actually be utilized by the muscles for energy instantly whereas all other fats can't), and macadamia nut oil has high levels of oleic acid, which is very important to provide
health benefits of lowering the level of inflammation in the body, and helping to promote healthy cholesterol levels, so your body can work with optimum metabolic capacities.
So if I had to choose just three oils to be including in your diet regularly, these would definitely top the list of the best ones to choose both for their health benefits and their fat loss superpowers.
Spices Will Not Only Boost The Taste

Spices Will Not Only Boost The Taste
Making proper use of spices will be a must.
Spices are quick and easy to add into your dishes and one of the best ways to make sure that you don't experience that dietary boredom that we talked about earlier.
So which spices should you be focused on?
Here are some of the top spices that are going to help you take your fat loss into high gear.
Black Pepper
Sounds simple enough but this spice can offer up to 8% increase in your metabolic rate and will also help to reduce symptoms of constipation and gas from your meals. This one is ultra easy to add to any meal, so start making the most out of it.
A very often forgotten spice, this one will help to lower your blood sugar so you don't get strong food cravings and help to reduce body fat. This spice can actually help to block fat gain so it's one that you definitely want to be making good use of.
A sweet spice that many people enjoy, this one helps to control your blood sugar levels and will also give your immune system a strong boost. It's going to promote a healthy digestive system as well, ensuring that you're able to remove all the toxins from the body on a regular basis.
If these build up, they can influence your metabolic rate and how well your body is able to rid itself of its body fat.
This spice is often used to combat nausea, but it too has metabolic boosting powers. It works great in many recipes and will add an oriental flare to the dish.
One of the most commonly used spices, this one will help to detoxify the body so that you're burning off fat as effectively as possible. This spice also helps to loosen up fat to get it ready for fat burning.
When you combine this spice with a proper calorie intake and regular workout sessions, you have a strong fat loss combination.
Cayenne Pepper 
This spice has reportedly given some individuals up to a 25% boost to their metabolism so if there's one that you definitely want to be making good use of, this is it. Adding this to a meal can increase the number of calories you burn over the next few hours, ensuring fat loss progresses maximally.
Chili Powder
Finally, last but not least we have chili powder. This one acts very similar to cayenne pepper in the body due to its capsaicin content and will provide you with a nice metabolic boost so you burn more calories all day long.
As far as fat loss goes, it can't be beat.
So make sure you are not overlooking the power of spices. Far too many people focus on what they can do to cut out foods from their diet but instead of taking that route, how about looking at what you can add in so that you see a faster overall rate of fat loss.
STOP cooking with these UN-metabolic ingredients
Another big problem that some people are making with their diet program is they're cooking with foods that will only encourage fat accumulation, rather than support healthy fat burning.
During a recent trip to my local book store, I was stunned when I opened some of the best-selling cookbooks on the market now!
These So-Called Fat Loss Slowing Down Your Metabolism
Let's have a quick peak at the most un-metabolic ingredients that I’ve found in
these “fat loss cookbooks” so that you can give these the boot on your diet plan.
Not only is this an incredibly unhealthy source of fat, but it's going to slow down your metabolism so you burn fewer calories throughout the day. It's like the double whammy – your body burns less and you take in more. Not a good combo for fat loss.
Vegetable Oil
Just like margarine, the same story holds for vegetable oil. Vegetable oil contains unhealthy fats that will not support a healthy metabolism and will actually just further damage your health. Avoid this at all costs and use the oils we've mentioned above.
Calorie Wise' Salad Dressing
Think drizzling some calorie wise salad dressing is a smart move for faster fat loss? Think again! These salad dressings may be low in overall calories but they're filled with harmful ingredients that will just slow your fat loss down. 
Choose healthier salad dressings and you'll be that much better off.
Processed Protein
Any type of processed protein such as deli meat will be filled with preservatives that only add toxic waste to your body and prevent the natural process of fat loss from occurring.
Choose natural, lean sources of protein as we mentioned in trick one instead. That is the protein that gets you results.
High Sodium Seasonings
We've already listed the spices that will serve to boost your metabolism so start swapping out those high-sodium spices that you're currently using instead.
Such a high intake of sodium is only going to set you up for health problems down the road, not to mention adding pounds of unwanted water weight in the form of nasty stomach bloat.
Cream is another cooking ingredient that you must give the boot. Not only is cream high in calories and fat, but it's the ugly saturated fat variety.
While low-fat dairy products can be healthy on a diet plan, cream is not one of them.
White Flour
If there's one whole category of foods that you should eliminate from your diet entirely and make sure you aren't cooking or baking with, it's white flour. While flour is robbed of its natural nutrients and is only going to spike insulin levels, promoting high rates of fat gain.
Brown Sugar
I was speechless to see healthy cookbooks use brown sugar in their recipes! The brown sugar sold at grocery stores is actually white granulated sugar with added molasses. Yes, brown sugar contains minute amounts of minerals. But unless you eat a gigantic portion of brown sugar every day, the mineral content difference between brown sugar and white sugar is absolutely insignificant. 

The idea that brown and white sugar have big differences is another common nutrition myth.Sugar is a big enemy on your hit-list of ingredients to eliminate. Sugar causes high's and low's, promotes strong food cravings, and will quickly cause the accumulation of body fat.
Enough said. Get this one out of your diet – pronto.
If you can take a good look at your diet and make sure that these are out of the picture, you're going to be a hundred times better off.
One very little known fact is that mustard can actually help to boost the metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories each and every day even at rest. Mustard is also great for helping improve the overall digestive system, so your body will be much better able to extract the nutrients from the foods you eat and put them to good use, helping improve your overall functioning.
Some of the other benefits that mustard will provide you with is a reduction in the rate of migraines and headaches you experience, a decreasing of the severity of asthma, and it can help to lower the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is our next ingredient that you should be including in your salad dressings. Apple cider vinegar serves to help out with weight loss by detoxifying the liver and by increasing the metabolism. 
Many people also find that using apple cider vinegar serves to suppress their hunger level as well, so that's yet another great benefit that you might notice as well.Apple cider vinegar is also a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, and B6, making it great for overall health sake as well.
Finally, there's nothing as easy as adding some lemon juice to your salad dressing and this can help to ward off further food cravings while also keeping blood glucose levels more stable.
Lemons will add a very strong touch of flavor to your salads so your taste buds will feel fully stimulated by eating it and will not seek out additional food afterwards. 
This great herb will work great in a variety of dishes and help to improve the process of both digestion and elimination, making it ideal for fat loss purposes. In addition to this, parsley will help to regulate your blood sugar levels better, stopping food cravings before they start.
Basil is the next herb to add to your spice mixture and can also help to aid with weight loss by dulling the appetite level. If you're someone who finds that you are constantly hungry while on a fat loss diet plan, basil will quickly help you combat this.
Oregano is a good herb to add to your spice mixture for helping to reduce the effects of bloating, which is something that keeps many dieters down.
f you often feel as though you're moving further away from six pack abs than closer due to problems with bloating, this herb will help you remedy this quickly.

One of the primary benefits of rosemary is the fact that it will have a very calming effect of the body, helping reduce the levels of stress present. Since stress can rapidly cause levels of cortisol in the body to increase and this cortisol can encourage stomach fat accumulation. 
By adding rosemary to your herb mixture you'll indirectly help prevent fat gain from occurring. Plus, it tastes great and will add a very nice flavor to many dishes that you're creating.
And the really great thing about each of these spices is that they'll easily integrate right in with the metabolic boosting spices that we discussed.


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