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How Much Do You Know about Green Tea The Benefits Of Health?

    Green Tea the Benefits of Health Over the past 15–20 years, a number of other research studies have been conducted to determine what health benefits can be attributed to consumption of green tea and its extracts. This research has shown that green tea has a variety of potential health benefits. These benefits include anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, and benefits in cardiovascular disease and oral health. While much of this research has been performed in vitro, and a significant amount of the research done in vivo, using animal models, this will focus mainly on studies conducted with human subjects plus pertinent information from the other types of studies.   Anticarcinogenic Properties of Green Tea Cancer is currently a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Billions of dollars in research monies have been poured into cancer research over the past 50 plus years, and yet we do not seem to be any c

How Home Exercise And Nutrition Can Help You Improve Your Health.

Home Exercise And Nutrition

 Get Fit At Home Exercise And Nutrition   Plan
This no-equipment workout program will help you achieve a healthy weight and increase your overall fitness level for a more toned and lean body. Designed specifically around these goals, the comprehensive nutrition and exercise plans will not only help you shed a few pounds of excess weight over the 8 weeks but also make you feel healthier, fitter and more energized just a couple   of weeks after starting!

Get Fit At Home Exercise And Nutrition Plan

One of the main aims of the program is to get your metabolism burning and get your cardiovascular system more active through a balanced diet and high intensity workouts. Exercise is a great stress reliever and this program will get you feeling great by getting endorphins pumping in the brain.
This program requires no equipment, so you can do it at home, in your backyard or the park. The exercise plan includes five short but high intensity full body workouts as well as a pre-workout warm-up and post-workout stretching routines. Each training session is under 20 minutes and you will exercise five times a week. The selected exercises will improve your cardiovascular fitness,  core strength, and flexibility, joint range of motion and upper/lower body strength.

  Exercise Plan

 Exercise Plan

The Program Calendar outlines the 8 week get progressively harder and their timing in the week is designed to be challenging in order to maximize your results at the end of the program. Follow these guidelines:

Ø Try to keep the timing of the day consistent when exercising, as getting into a routine is very important when training and will make consistency easier.
Ø Follow the program and do your best not to skip workouts thinking that you can double up  the day after – this will cause you to burn out, feel less motivated and will negatively impact  the overall effectiveness of this program.
Ø Use your rest days wisely; these should be active rest days used for recovery go for a walk and don’t just sit in front of the television inactive, snacking on junk foods.
Ø Use the weight tracking table in the Program Calendar along with the Fitness Test to monitor your progress.
Ø The order of exercises in the workout plans is left to right.

To maximize your results and avoid injury, make sure that you are performing the exercises in correct form. Refer to the Exercise Descriptions section as needed.

Warm-up & Dynamic Stretches Each of your workouts will begin with the Warm-up & Dynamic Stretching routine. A proper warm- up is an essential part of this training program and its importance should not be underestimated.

The warm-up part of this routine:
Ø Prepares your body and mind for physical activity
Ø Raises your body’s core temperature
Ø Loosens your muscles and prepares them for training
Ø Increases your heart rate and breathing, which sends blood and oxygen to the working muscles

This routine also includes dynamic stretches that are equally important in preparing your muscles for training. The stretches will lengthen both muscles and tendons to increase range of motion and help prevent injuries. Perform each exercise at medium intensity for 30 seconds, taking 15 seconds in between to catch your breath and get into position for the next one.

Workout Routines 

Workout Routines

There are five high intensity workouts (A through E) that are designed to increase in difficulty as you progress through the program. Have the exercise illustrations handy and perform each workout immediately following your warm-up and stretches set. Work through each exercise at medium or high intensity for the prescribed time, taking 10 seconds to catch your breath and get into position for the next exercise. Remember to be well hydrated through your workout.

Cool Down Stretches

Cool Down Stretches

Follow your workout with the 4-minute static stretching routine that will help to reduce stiffness, soreness and muscle injury, while letting your body cool down. To stretch safely and correctly, assume the stretch position and slowly lengthen each muscle to the point where you just feel a slight pull or resistance. Stretching should never be painful. Aim to hold each stretch for 20 seconds without bouncing or moving

Exercise Intensity

Exercise Intensity


The exercise program is based on high intensity interval training (HIIT) and is a great way to burn fat during the exercise and after the session has finished. This is called the after burn and HIIT training is a quicker method of burning fat than conventional cardio e.g. exercising at a steady state for 30-55 minutes, 3-4 times per week.

A simple way to gauge the intensity is the Talk Test, using the following measures:
Low intensity – You can talk and sing.
Moderate intensity – You can talk but not sing.
High intensity – You can’t say than a few words without gasping to take a breath.
Exercises in your program are marked with suggested intensity follows these instructions to get the most our of your session.

Training Tips & Guidelines 

Training Tips & Guidelines

Focus on starting
The prospect of a 30 minute workout or run can be daunting, especially if you’re just starting to exercise. If you focus on the whole task, thinking how hard it will be, you are more likely to put it off or give up altogether. Instead, focus on starting laying out your mat and weights or lacing up your running shoes. It’s much easier and once you start, your motivation will kick in and keep you going through your workout.

   When to work out 

When to work out

There’s not really a “right” time of day to exercise. It really depends on your body and what time of day you’re at your peak. Some people struggle to get up in the morning whereas others can hop out of bed ready for a training session.
Whichever time of day you prefer to work out, don’t exercise for about three hours after a heavy meal (see the nutrition section for advice on what to eat when). Exercising right after a big meal will more likely leave you feeling nauseous and you may experience stomach cramps and discomfort. If you’d prefer to work out in the morning but simply can’t find the energy try these tips:
Get adequate rest which is vital for energy levels. It is recommended that we get 7 9 hours of sleep a night.
If you’re getting the right amount of sleep but still feeling groggy in the morning this could be due to being in a state of ketosis from fasting during sleep. This is when your body uses fat for energy if you aren’t eating sufficient carbs and the result is low energy levels. Also make sure you are not lacking oxygen during the night (have windows open or ventilation running).
Try drinking green tea, coffee or green juices for an energizing boost before your workout.

 Nutrition Plan

Nutrition Plan

 The Importance of a

Nutrition plays a vital part in any training p and the nutrients you intake. Your success with this training program will require a combination of a controlled diet with the high intensity exercise plan. You will also benefit from the multitude of other benefits balanced nutrition carries:

Ø More energy throughout the day and delayed fatigue;

Ø Enhanced results of your strength training;

Ø Strengthened your immune system;

Ø Improved cognitive performance such as concentration and focus;

Ø Help in maintaining a healthy BMI. 

One of the key factors in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is being aware of what you are eating and how much you are eating at the same time. Knowledge is power when it comes to weight control and is not all about cutting everything out that you love about food; it is about
moderation, control and retraining your brain/taste buds into substituting the ‘bad foods’ with the ‘good foods’.

The following nutrition plan is designed to work along with the exercise program to achieve healthy weight loss of 1.5 - 2 pounds per week, while taking into consideration your caloric and nutrient requirements and adhering to the principle that your body’s energy needs should be satisfied with 15% good fats, 25% proteins and 60% carbs.

   Nutrition for a Healthy Weight 

Nutrition for a Healthy Weight

Many people in the Western world are on a diet that is high in the wrong types of fats, high in sugary processed foods, low in nutritional value, high in sodium and have major health risks associated with this e.g. cardiovascular diseases. Obesity is on the increase and some of the main culprits are hidden fats, sugars and lack of portion control.
  Meal Plan 
Meal Plan

   Meal Timings & Suggestions
Half hour after waking up
The body is in a fasted state after about 12-14 hours of sleep. This will have the following impact on the body:

Ø Carb reserves will be depleted
Ø Fat mobilization is slowed down
Ø The muscle will be in a mild catabolic state

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and is intended to rev up the metabolism and fat burning within the body and to replenish glycogen stores within the muscle and liver. Ideally taken within 30 minutes of waking up, your breakfast’s nutrient composition should be high in complex carbs, a fast acting protein providing essential amino acids and a portion of essential fatty acids such as flax seeds or walnuts.

  Mid-Morning Snack

2 hours after breakfast
After a breakfast high in complex carbs, your body will have an insulin lag, blood sugars will start to dip and you may start to feel hungry. The mid-morning snack should be eaten two hours after Exercise Descriptions


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